Guide for Authors

Instructions to Authors

The journal of Research in Western Iranian Languages and Dialects (RWILD) invites submissions in theoretical and applied linguistics concerned with Western Iranian Dialects including Kurdish, Laki, Turkish, Lori, and Persian. The journal of Research in Western Iranian Languages and Dialects (RWILD) is committed to precise, prompt review, and timely publication of articles. However, the content of each article is the sole responsibility of the author. In addition to publishing full articles and research reports, part of the journal is devoted to criticism and book reviews. Authors may submit their reviews for publication in this section. These reviews should preferably be around 800 to 1000 words. The article must be the authors’ own work and must not have been published in any form in other journals, and as long as the review process has not ended, it should not be submitted elsewhere.

The Structure of the Manuscript

 The article should include a title, an abstract, keywords (5 to 7 words), an introduction, a main body or analysis section, a discussion and conclusions, and references respectively. Related literature review, essential to the subject of the article, should be mentioned in the introduction section. Please avoid mentioning goals and research questions as they are common in a thesis. The main body, discussion and conclusions, depending on the article type, can be presented in different titles and sections. A section titled “Research Method” is essential in applied research.

Preparing the Manuscript

 Articles should be adjusted on a 17.6 × 25 sheet with B Lotus font, 13 and should not exceed 25 lines per page with 2.5 margins on top and bottom and 2 centimeters on the left and the right sides, and finally submitted in Word 2003 format to the journal through Online Submission System. The font size of the abstract and Keywords should be 11. Each article must include an English abstract written in Times New Roman font, 12 on a separate page which must not exceed 200 words. Furthermore, the title of the article, authors’ names, their academic position, affiliation, their e-mail, phone numbers, and correspondence details should be inserted in a separate file.

- The size of the article should not exceed 20 pages or 6500 words including references and abstracts.

- The abstract of the article should provide a complete image of the article in about 200 words including the statement of the problem, objectives, research methodology, and findings.

- Articles adopted from dissertations should follow the standard pattern of research papers.

- Different sections of the article should be numbered separately. The manuscript should begin with an introduction as the first part. The title of each main section and subsections must be separated from each other by a blank line written in bold. The first line below each section, unlike the first line of other paragraphs, should not start with indentation.

- Each subsection should not exceed more than three layers; such as 3-1-4 indicating the fourth subsection of the article.

- The Latin equivalent of specialized terms or any less known person should be written in footnotes with a font size of 10. Except for the proper names and the names of grammar principles, all other parts of footnotes begin with lowercase Latin.

- Footnotes on each page start with the number 1.

- If unfamiliar abbreviations are used in the article, they should be listed in the footnotes before their first use.

- In preparing tree-diagrams, the Shape Tool should be applied, and after drawing the diagram, all its components must be selected and grouped.

- Doulus Sil IPA font version should be used to transcribe data.

Preserving Copyright

  • Authors retain unrestricted copyrights and publishing rights. The author has complete control over the work (e.g., retains the right to reuse, distribute, republish, etc.).
  • Authors grant the journal a license to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher.
  • Authors also grant any third party the right to use the article freely as long as its integrity is maintained and its original authors, citation details, and publisher are identified.
  • The Creative Commons-Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) formalizes these and other terms and conditions of publishing articles.


The references section follows the APA referencing style 7th edition format. Only references cited in the manuscripts are listed in the reference section. If the name of an author has been pointed out in the text, the year of publication of the work should be given in parenthesis; and if the author intends to refer to a specific page of the work, the page number would be inserted in parenthesis preceded by a colon. Direct quotations of more than three lines should be separated from the main text, indented 1 centimeter on each side in the same font as the main text. The name of the author and the year of publication should be inserted after the quotations followed by the page number where the quotation was obtained. Persian references must be translated into English and be included in the English references. Each such reference should be indicated by the phrase (in Persian) for original Persian sources. For each article cited, the writers must also include a DOI, where DOI is accessible, the page number should be provided.


One author: author’s surname, author’s name (year of publication). book title in italics. Place of publication: Publisher.

Bateni, M. (1357). Negahi Taze be Dastoore Zaban.Tehran: Agah.

Co-authors: first author’s surname, first author’s name, second author’s name and surname, (year of publication book title in italics. Place of publication: Publisher.

Roshan, B., & Ardabili, L. (1392). Introduction to Cognitive Semantics. Tehran: Nashr Elm.

Translated books

Author’s surname, author’s name (translation release date). Book title (in italics). Translator: translator’s name and surname. Place of translation release: publisher.

Theses and dissertations

Author’s surname, author’s name (year of publication). Title (in italics). Filed of the thesis, the university name.

Ahangar, A. (2000). The Non-coordinate Sentence Structure in Persian. Doctoral dissertation. Tehran University.


English journals

Author’s surname, author’s name (year of publication). Title of the article. Journal Title (in italics), volume (in italics), Issue, page number.

Boas, F. (1919). Kinship Terms of the Kutenai Indians. American Anthropologist,21 (1), 98-101.

Persian journals

Author’s surname, author’s name (year of publication). Title of the article. Journal Title (in italics), volume (in italics), Issue, page number.

Dabirmoghaddam, M. (1985). Passive in Persian. Journal of Linguistics,2 (1), 31-46.

Article collection

Author’s surname, author’s name (year of publication). Title of the article. In: edited by…, Collection title (in italics), page number, place of publication, publisher.

Bateni, M. (1354)Kinship Terms in Persian. In: Issues in Modern Linguistics, 157-174. Tehran, Aghah.


Author’s surname, author’s name (year of publication, if available). Title of material used (in italics), and website address.

-  Avoid numbering bibliographic entries or inserting any dashes before them.

- If more than one work of the same author is cited in the text, the name of the author will not be mentioned for a second time in references.

- If the name of a source (reference) covers more than one line in the references, the next lines would continue with an extra one centimeter using the Tab button.

- Authors should follow the approved instructions of the Academy of Persian Language and Literature in writing their articles.

- The journal is free to edit articles, with no changes in their contents.

- The editorial board maintains the right to accept or reject articles.

 Articles, which do not adhere to the above will not be sent for review.

Sponsorship and acknowledgments 

If the author/s benefited from the financial resources of a specific organization or institution, or if they intend to thank those who assisted them in preparing the text, they should acknowledge this in the first footnote with no number.

Required files to upload: Authors must submit the following five essential files through the manuscript submission system: 1. Main Manuscript File (without the author details and prepared based on the provided template. 2. Title Page, 3. Authorship Form (must include the article title, full names of all authors, and be signed by all authors), 4. Conflicts of Interest Form (must be signed by the Corresponding Author and uploaded with the Main Manuscript File), and 5. Cover letter (Please include any necessary information in the cover letter).