Predicator in Persian

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Linguistics, Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran


The term predicate refers to two concepts in the literature; in the traditional grammar (in dividing the sentence into two parts: the subject and the predicate) and the other in the discussion of predicate-argument relations. Recent linguists have used two terms, predicate and predicator, to avoid confusing these two terms, respectively, for the first and second definition. In Persian, the two terms “Gozɑɹe” and “mahmul” have made a clear distinction between the two concepts. The present study investigates the different types of predicators in Persian based on the role and reference grammar to consider the differences and similarities between the predicators in Persian. The consideration of the layered structure of clauses and phrases showed that the nominal predicator has the most similarity and the prepositional predicator has the least to the verbal predicator. Furthermore, the findings showed that we have to accept the adjective phrase contrary to the role and reference grammar because there are different types of adjectival modifiers which are necessary to consider according to the layered structure.


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