Meter in Shahrezaian Eleven Syllable Folk Verses

Document Type : Original Article



In this paper, based on Lazard’s description of Parti verses (1985, 2007) and Tabibzade’s description of Persian folk verses and Fahlaviat (1382,1392), we discuss four main hypotheses about Shahrezaian folk verses. The first hypothesis is that the last syllable of each foot which gets ictus is a heavy syllable. The second one is that if this is not a heavy syllable, it is necessarily at the end of the word and gets lexical stress. The next hypothesis is that syllables which are not the last syllable of the foot and do not get ictus; do not have any relationship with syllable weight. So they may be light or heavy. And the last hypothesis is about the place of pause in metron and foot. In these verses, like Persian folk verses, the place of pause is of a dierese kind. It means it is not necessarily at the end of the word, but it can also be at the middle of the word. For the statistical analysis of these items, we listed last and non-last syllables of 50 items of Shahrezaian folk verses in Excel program and came to the conclusion by the help of a statistical study.


Main Subjects

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