The Way of Diphtong Changes in English Loanwords

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Tarbiat Modares University

2 MA, Tarbiat Modares University


The aim of this research is studying the changes of English loanwords. For this purpose 568 English loanwords along with their pronunciation according to IPA, extracted from Zomorodian dictionary. Because the English pronunciation of some words is different in two species,  British and American pronunciation, British pronunciation is considered in data analysis. Then loanwords with diphthong extracted and classified based on their  kind, and then their changes in Persian language have been studied. Survey shows that  in falling diphthongs with /ɪ/ sound in their last position, this sound converted to /j/ and in falling diphthongs with /U/ sound, this sound converted to /w/ when the first component of diphthong has been converted to /o/ and coda not be more than two consonants. Thus among diphthongs /aU/ is the only diphthong that often converted to /ow/ in Persian. Rising diphthongs converted to simple vowels.


Main Subjects

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