Analyzing [me] as a Modal Element in Laki

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of English Literature and Linguistics. Razi University. Kermanshah. Iran

2 Razi University

3 Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran.




“Mood" or "modality" is one of the linguistic tools for conveying concepts such as necessity, obligation, probability, commitment, and assumption in language. Since a complete description of an event or state is not possible solely through the use of verbs or nominal groups, modality is a desirable solution in all human languages to convey concepts. Understanding the types of mood is an opening for discovering the capabilities of human language. The present study is the first theory-based study on modality in Laki, which addresses the modal aspects of the [m] element within the framework of Palmer's views (2001). This word, in addition to its lexical meaning of "to want", also has a modal nature and can be assigned as a modal auxiliary verb. The semantic analyse this modal element indicated that mentioned modal auxiliary verb represents dynamic and deontic modalities in this language. Since Laki is one of the languages that lack a specific auxiliary verb for the future tense, the word [m] in addition to its modal role, is responsible for representing the future tense. Also, in this research, we showed that the different meanings of this element are due to its different syntactic positions.


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