Analysis of Semantic and Reading-Manner Feedbacks of Persian Writing of Kurdish Toponym (Case Study Some Toponym in Kermanshah Province)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. in Persian language and literature, Razi University, Kermanshah.

2 M.A Educated in Linguistics at Razi University, Kermanshah City

3 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature Department, Farhangian University of Tehran



This research with descriptive- analytic method and case study, by studying some Kurdish Toponym in Kermanshah province, aims to analyze the semantic and reading manner feedbacks of Persian writing of Toponym, with regard to their meaning and reading manner among Kurdish speakers. This research also aims to consider the probable of damages caused by Persian writing to these Toponym. findings of this research indicate that Persian writing of Kurdish Toponym in Kermanshah province reflects four types of semantic and reading feedbacks which include: 1. Semantic and reading transformation of Toponym. 2. becoming meaningless and fading of Kurdish reading manner of Toponym. 3. Meaning constancy of Toponym with their Persian equivalent and fading their Kurdish manner and at last, approximate protection of Kurdish reading manner of Toponym and not- transferring its meaning to non- Kurdish speakers. In most of cases, Persian writing is done based on public etymology or the same etymology based on guess and supposition. With regard to mentioned results, this research reveals that Persian writing of Kurdish place names in Kermanshah province, causes serious damages to original and native reading manner and meaning of Kurdish Toponym.


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