Linking Particle Semantic Roles in Hawrami Deverbal Noun Phrases

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in General Linguistics, Educational Office of Javanroud

2 Associate Professor in Applied Linguistics, Department of English Language and Linguistics, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Razi University, Kermashan, Iran

3 MA in Psycholinguistics, Educational Office of Salas Babajani

4 Professor in Linguistics and Kurdish Language, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq


Previous studies have focused mostly on the syntactic features of the linking particle (Ezafe) in simple noun phrases with little attention paid to its semantic representations and functions specifically within the context of deverbal noun phrases. The present study aims to analyze semantic functions of the linking particle as it appears between a deverbal noun and its various modifiers, and compare them with their corresponding elements in sentences in a Distributed Morphology framework (DM) in Hawrami. This study shows this ancient linker's trace in most Kurdish dialects exhibits agentive semantic functions in addition to expressing possession and modification. Furthermore, the subject of unaccusative verbs at the sentential level is realized as the patient/possessor or as the theme/possessor of their corresponding deverbal noun phrases. However, the subject of unergative verbs assumes the agentive/possessor role in their corresponding noun phrases. Moreover, the object of transitive and ditransitive verbs is represented as a patient or theme, and also as a possessed entity before the subject is realized as the possessor in the corresponding deverbal noun phrases. Results indicate that the representation of both sentences and their corresponding deverbal noun phrases within DM framework provides stronger support for a syntactic movement account of deverbal noun phrases, their semantic functions, and properties in Hawrami.


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Volume 12, Issue 4
Special Issue: Linguistics of Kurdish and Related Languages, Guest editor: Erik Anonby, Professor of Linguistics and French, School of Linguistics and Language Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. Email:
December 2024
Pages 53-66