Typology of Negation in the Ardalani Variety of Sorani Kurdish

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD of Linguistics, Department of English Language and Linguistics, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Linguistics, Department of English Language and Linguistics, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.

3 PhD Humber Polytechnic, Toronto, Canada


The present study aims to explore negation patterns in Ardalani, a variety of central Kurdish (Sorani) spoken mainly in Sanandaj, within the typological framework proposed by Miestamo (2005). This framework explains the main negation patterns found in the languages of the world as symmetric, asymmetric, and symmetric-asymmetric. Although Miestamo applied this stypological framework to analyze a wide range of languages, none of the Kurdish dialects are represented in his study. The data used in the present study comprises 263 negative sentences with their affirmative counterparts, which were obtained from the spoken Sorani material broadcast on Kurdistan Radio and Television. The results indicate that Ardalani follows a symmetric-asymmetric pattern. It reveals a symmetric pattern in the past tense with perfective and imperfective habitual aspect but displays an asymmetric pattern in the imperfective continuous aspect and modal structures. For the sentences in the imperfective continuous aspect, the speakers apply either A/Fin/Neg-LV or A/Cat/ATM. In the former, the verb loses finiteness and the features move to the available copula in the structure. In the latter, the aspect changes from continuous to habitual, a more common strategy. Modal structures also follow A/Cat/ATM, in which the modal marker is removed and replaced with the negation marker. However, the modal content remains semantically the same as its affirmative counterpart. 


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Volume 12, Issue 4
Special Issue: Linguistics of Kurdish and Related Languages, Guest editor: Erik Anonby, Professor of Linguistics and French, School of Linguistics and Language Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. Email: erik.anonby@carleton.ca
December 2024
Pages 33-52