Hypocoristic names as the pattern of the representing the verbal protest and satisfying in Kermanshah Kurdish

Document Type : Original Article



The current study investigates the patterns for forming hypocoristic names used to represent verbal protest and satisfaction in relation to three social factors: gender, age and context. In this descriptive and analytical study, first data have been collected from thirty students in a school in Kermanshah. Second to study the effect of three factors of gender, age and context on hypocoristic names data have been collected from students’ families. The results showed that gender has no effect on this process, while age and context play the main role. Also, Kermanshahi Kurdish Hypocoristic names have the pattern CV.CVC. Verbal protest and satisfaction are realized by elements attached to the truncated normal name. On the basis of hypocoristic templatic data from Meyan-darband Kermanshah, we concluded that suffixes әg, -әl, -a, -i represent protest and satisfaction. -әg, әl for protest and -i, -a for satisfaction. At the end, different constraints and their rankings were determined on the basis of optimality theory.


Main Subjects

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