Investigating Good Tidings in Some Verses of the Holy Quran from a Speech Act Theory Perspective

Document Type : Original Article


The tradition of giving Good tiding in the Quran is the Almighty God’s absolute and inevitable tradition. In the pragmatic approach to the Quran, more than investigating words, their meanings and syntactic relations, the primary concern is the speaker and the audience, the conversations and their context. In explaining the context of realization of good tidings, the bringer of good tidings in the Quran is God who also mentions Angels, winds, and prophets as carriers of good tidings. In this study, , in addition to drawing the context of the speech act of good tiding, we intend to explain the necessary conditions for the realization of the speech act of good tiding and demonstrate how the speaker, that is, the Almighty God, the audience and other listeners contribute to understanding the context of conversations. The theoretical basis of this study is Austin’s and Searle's speech act theories. The research method employed is a descriptive analysis. The data examined included verses from some chapters including Nisa, A’araf, Asra, towbeh, Younos, Zomor, Anfal, Kahf and Fosillat where instances of good tidings are found.


Main Subjects

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